T-Ball Season End Celebration

T-Ball Season End Celebration

Today was the last day of T-Ball.  I think the kids improved so much from the beginning of the season to the end.  It was impressive to watch!  Being a coach is hard, being a coach with the kids on the team is harder.  Hard but rewarding as well.  I didn’t get any pictures this season because I was being the coach – luckily my mom came to a game and took some so I will end up with at least a few.

After the game today we had a quick ceremony to give the kids their pictures and medals.  I decided to make them cupcakes and gave them a bag of apple slices with a baseball printable attached with their name.

Materials needed for Cupcakes

  • 1 box of preferred cake mix (plus ingredients listed on box)
  • Cupcake papers (24)
  • 1 can of preferred white frosting
  • 1 tube of red frosting

I mixed and baked the cupcakes as directed on the box.  After cooling I frosted with a layer of white frosting.  After the white frosting I added the red lines to make them look like cupcakes.  I bought a premade tube of red frosting but did not buy the tips as I have a ton of Wilton stuff at home.  I figured there would be at least a circle tip on the end of the bag of frosting – I figured wrong.  I ended up cutting the whole end off and squeezing it into one of my disposable Wilton bags to use the tips I already had in the house.  Long story short – buy the 99¢ package of tips.

The kids inhaled the cupcakes today so I’m glad I rushed and made them!

The packages of apple slices I got courtesy of CrunchPak. I received coupons from them when I was hosting my #DisneySide at Home Celebration and had a few left.  This was a perfect healthy gift for the kids on the team.  I used a printable I found at Salt and Pepper Moms for baseball snack tags.  They worked perfectly – I printed them out, wrote the kids names on them and stapled them onto the bags of apple slices.

I had a blast being the kids T-Ball coach and am glad that we finished the season on a happy note.

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Shannon A: My name is Shannon and I look forward to sharing some of my life with you! I am an Event Manager turned part time working mom trying to wrangle two kids, a dog, a bunny, a husband and my blog! I have a degree in Sports, Entertainment, and Event Management and worked in the hotel industry but realized the hours weren’t conducive to having a family and giving them the attention that I wanted.
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