Tissue Paper Easter Eggs

Tissue Paper Easter Eggs

Tissue paper easter eggs – simple yet time consuming!  I made these  with the kids last year as well and had the tissue paper already cut up so it made the project even easier for me.


  • Tissue paper in pastel colors cut into small squares (2in x 2in roughly)
  • White school glue
  • Construction Paper
  • Scissors

First I had the kids choose the color for their eggs – yellow and green – no surprises there.  Next I cut them into egg shapes.

Since I had the tissue paper all cut from last year we got started quickly (if I hadn’t I would have cut it before I told the kids we were doing a project – waiting isn’t high on their list of good things).  I put one plate with glue on it between the kids and told them to get to work!  We had just done crumpled tissue paper work at Valentine’s day so they somewhat remembered after a quick refresher.

Buddy started to fizzle quite quickly but instead of engaging him I just continued to encourage and he stuck it out much longer than I anticipated.  Boo Boo was a craft super star as usual – I was honestly amazed with her pattern work and how well her egg design came out.

The finished products:


They both did awesome work – the eggs are on display with their other Easter projects in our dining room.

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Shannon A: My name is Shannon and I look forward to sharing some of my life with you! I am an Event Manager turned part time working mom trying to wrangle two kids, a dog, a bunny, a husband and my blog! I have a degree in Sports, Entertainment, and Event Management and worked in the hotel industry but realized the hours weren’t conducive to having a family and giving them the attention that I wanted.

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