Recipe Sharing Pin & Yum Party 22

Recipe Sharing Pin & Yum Party 22

Welcome to our Recipe Sharing Party!
We are so glad you’re here! Our party opens every Thursday at 9am and goes through Friday evening. We hope you’ll plan on coming back.♥
Visit our blogs? We’d love it if you’d follow us on social media while you’re there!
Easy Party Rules…
  • Add up to TWO recipe posts of your own.
  • Visit all of the others (Please bookmark this party to come back a few times for late comers.)

  • Yum every recipe and Pin every recipe!
  • Why Yummly? It is a huge source of traffic for recipe post!
  • If a recipe does not have a YUM button and you have not added Yum button to your toolbar, then Plan B would be for you to just Pin the recipe. 
  • Adding a button to your toolbar is easy: How to add a YUM button 
  • PLEASE TWEET AND SHARE OUR PARTY to spread the news 🙂
  • Thanks for coming to our party! 

Follow Our Pinterest Board


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Shannon A: My name is Shannon and I look forward to sharing some of my life with you! I am an Event Manager turned part time working mom trying to wrangle two kids, a dog, a bunny, a husband and my blog! I have a degree in Sports, Entertainment, and Event Management and worked in the hotel industry but realized the hours weren’t conducive to having a family and giving them the attention that I wanted.