Recipe Sharing Pin and Yum Party #5

It’s another week and another party!  Get ready to find some awesome recipes to Pin and Yum (and make you hungry!).  Thanks for joining us 🙂
Welcome To The
Recipe Sharing Party
 each others’ recipes!


Welcome our two new party co-hosts!
See, your recipes are getting more views already!

We will have more Yummly advice forthcoming but – in addition to starting with my introductory post Yummly, A Food Blogger’s Dream Come True,  please know that Yummly is looking for posts that are ONE recipe only,  each of which should have an ingredients list and directions.


  • Add up to TWO recipe posts of your own.
  • Visit all of the others (Please bookmark this party to come back a few times for later comers.)

  • Yum every recipe and PIN every recipe!
  • If a recipe does not have a YUM button and you have not added Yum button to your toolbar, then Plan B would be for you to just Pin the recipe. Adding a button is easy:   How to add a YUM button 
  • PLEASE TWEET AND SHARE OUR PARTY to spread the news 🙂
  • Thanks for coming to our party! 
Follow Our NEW Recipe Sharing Party Pinterest Board

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Shannon A: My name is Shannon and I look forward to sharing some of my life with you! I am an Event Manager turned part time working mom trying to wrangle two kids, a dog, a bunny, a husband and my blog! I have a degree in Sports, Entertainment, and Event Management and worked in the hotel industry but realized the hours weren’t conducive to having a family and giving them the attention that I wanted.