Festive Train Christmas Ornaments Inspired by the Polar Express

Festive Train Christmas Ornaments Inspired by the Polar Express

Festive Train Christmas Ornaments Inspired by the Polar Express

Do you have a train loving child?  My son is OBSESSED with the Polar Express – we have read the book countless times and watched the movie more than I care to remember!  I decided to use his love of trains to my advantage.  Today we made Polar Express inspired Festive Train Christmas Ornaments.  Buddy was so happy while we were making them.  Projects are so much more fun when the kids are engaged and happy.

I’m excited to share this post as part of the 10 Days of A Kid-Made Christmas – Ornaments inspired from Books.  Click the image below to go to our host Mama Miss’s site.

10 Days of a Kid-Made Christmas: Ornaments Inspired from Books

Preparing the Salt Dough:

The recipe we used for our salt dough can be found below:


This recipe made a lot of ornaments (roughly 30 and I threw some of the dough away!).  I think next time I would probably cut the recipe in half and we would still end up with a good number of ornaments.  We made a combination of trains, bells and gingerbread men.

After the ornaments baked according to the recipe I allowed them to cool completely.  Once they had cooled I got out supplies to decorate the ornaments.

Materials Needed:

  • Paint (assorted colors)
  • Glitter
  • Ribbon (for hangers)
  • Scissors
  • Small Bells
  • Newspaper or paint drop cloth
  • Paper plates (enough for each color of glitter you plan to use)


  • Spread newspaper on your work surface
  • Have the kids pick their paint colors and paint the ornaments
  • Apply glitter if desired
  • Move to a clean piece of newspaper to dry
  • Once fully dry attach the ribbon and a bell

Jolly Kid Made Salt Dough Christmas Ornament Garland

Jolly Kid Made Salt Dough Christmas Ornament Garland

We were in full Christmas spirit in our house while we made these ornaments.  The house is decorated and we had Christmas music playing as we worked.  The kids had a great time and were happy to make some ornaments to give to family members as Christmas presents.

If you are looking for some more great ideas for ornaments to make with your kids – check out the other bloggers sharing today by clicking the links below:

Tiny Baby Jesus Ornament by A Sip of Southhern Sunshine
A Colorful Christmas Using Romero Britto’s My Alphabet Book Smart Tinker
Nutcracker Peg Doll Ornament by Rainy Day Mum
Funny and Easy to Paw Print Decorations by Peakle Pie
Christmas Bell Ornaments by Teach Beside Me
Children’s Book Inspired Mitten Ornament by Play Dough & Popsicles
The Grinch’s Heart Homemade Christmas Ornament by Fun-A-Day

I Am Blop by The Library Adventure

Snowman Ornament for Kids by Here Come the Girls

An InLinkz Link-up

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  1. Pingback: Sugar Plum Fairy Clothes Peg Doll Ornament December 8, 2016

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