Fun & Easy Easter Basket Fillers for Kids

Fun & Easy Easter Basket Fillers for Kids

Fun & Easy Easter Basket Fillers for Kids

Easter is rapidly approaching – as you get out there to shop for your kids take a peek at some of these Fun & Easy Easter Basket Fillers!  I love creating an Easter basket for the kids that has both fun and practical items.  Some years my kids baskets are more elaborate – some simple but they always love them.  As long as you put the time into adding a few personal touches – like the baseball glove they have been wanting or the dress-up costume they will definitely be happy.

 Fun & Easy Easter Basket Fillers – Non Food Options

  1. Seasonal Gifts i.e. Bubbles, Pool toys, Kites, Sidewalk Chalk
  2. Baseball equipment
  3. DVD’s
  4. Jewelry 
  5. Pokemon Cards
  6. Clothing
  7. LEGO’s
  8. Video games
  9. Books
  10. Art Supplies

Fun & Easy Easter Basket Fillers – Food Options

  1. Candy (I try to keep this to a minimum but an Easter Basket isn’t complete without at least one Cadbury Egg in my opinion 🙂 )  Check out this awesome free Candy Bar Wrapper here.
  2. Snack packs – anything individually packaged from crackers to cookies to pudding
  3. Fruit Snacks – My kids eat fruit snacks frequently and really love when we find seasonal packs.  I love the Welch’s Easter Fruit Snacks! (I received a box of fruit snack’s free for my kiddos Easter baskets – I will be putting them in the eggs for our egg hunt as well!)
  4. Fun Drinks – this year I am putting these awesome AquaBall drinks into the kids Easter Baskets.  The kids are going to love their fun packaging and I love that they have Zero Sugar, No Preservatives and all Natural Flavors!  (I received free samples for my kiddos Easter baskets)

Whether your basket is themed or not as long as you put thought into the gifts included your kids will be happy.  Happy Easter!

If you are looking for a complete gift basket ready to send directly to your of state family or friends (or give to someone close) make sure you take a look at Gourmet Gift Baskets!  We received their Easter Candy & Toys Basket at our house and I love it!  I can’t wait to give it to the kids for Easter.  (I received this basket complimentary)
Fun & Easy Easter Basket Fillers for Kids

If you are looking for some more Easter ideas take a look below:

Top 10 Easter Themed Desserts

Festive and Eggstra-Special Easter Roundup

Cute and Easy Colorful Easter Bunny Shirts made with Pom Poms

Easter Egg Counting Cards

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