Hosting an Ozobot Back-to-School Party


Hosting an Ozobot Back-to-School Party

Hosting an Ozobot Back-to-School Party

We had so much fun hosting our Ozobot Back-to-School Party! I received a party pack from Tryazon to host our Ozobot party.  The pack included two Ozobot starter kits and some coupon codes for our guests.  I loved that we got to keep one of the kits and also give one away to one of our lucky party attendees!

The kids were excited to have friends over to show them what the Ozobots could do.  We planned an end of summer party to showcase the robots and enjoy a fun summer day poolside with friends.  The day turned out to be perfect!  We started the party up with the robots – I gave a quick demonstration and let the kids take turns. 

Hosting an Ozobot Back-to-School Party

My kids had already played with the robots so they paired up with some of their friends to show them what they could do.  They played with some of the cards that came in the starter kit, as well as some of the pages I printed off the Ozobot website.

Hosting an Ozobot Back-to-School Party

After everyone had a turn the kids all ventured off – most went straight to the pool to cool off.  You could tell that they were excited about the robots though as we had a steady flow of kids coming out of the pool and into the house to take another turn.  

For more information about Ozobot take a look at this video:

We had a lot of fun at our party and I love my children’s enthusiasm towards their Ozobot.  I love that this is an educational toy that can grow with them.  The Apps and online resources are great as well.  I look forward to spending time with my children and learning with them!

***I received a party pack courtesy of Tryazon to host a Ozobot Back-to-School Party – all opinions are my own.***


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