Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! Sponsored House Party

Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! Sponsored House Party

Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! Sponsored House Party

Have you ever heard of House Party?  I found out about it shortly after I started blogging and apply frequently to host various parties.  When the applications came out for the Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! I was really excited to apply as I knew both of my kids would be so happy!  There were only 250 hosts selected so I was really surprised to be in the chosen group.  Now that you know more about House Party read on to hear about the Epic Party we hosted!

Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! Sponsored House Party

Make It Epic™ Party! Planning

  • Take inventory of your Hot Wheels® tracks and cars and determine if you have enough to host an Epic party!
    • The number of tracks and cars would depend on the number of children being invited.
  • Purchase additional cars or track sets if needed
    • This is where our awesome free Party Kit from House Party (see the picture above for the great items we received) came in handy – it supplemented our three existing tracks and made sure we had a lot of cars on hand.
  • Plan your menu 
    • Our party was a playdate so I kept it simple – we had one healthy, one salty and one sweet option plus drinks on hand.
  • Plan Goodie Bags
    • Our goodie bags included a special offer for Target on Hot Wheels®, a Hot Wheels® car, and a few pieces of candy
  • Plan Games

Day of the Party

  • Set Up 
    • Tracks
      • We (I should say Hubby!) built the tracks and put them in a few rooms to allow the kids to spread out Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! Sponsored House Party
    • Make Goodie Bags
      • Buddy stuffed the bags himself and was very happy to help get ready for the party!
    •  Food 
      • We served Dip Sticks (baby carrots), Nuts & Bolts (Party Mix), Spare Tires (mini chocolate donuts) and Fuel (water and juice).  You can download the free printable tent cards and water bottle wrappers I made below. Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! Sponsored House Party

Hot Wheels Tent Cards (PERSONAL USE ONLY)

Hot Wheels Party Water Bottle Wrappers (PERSONAL USE ONLY) 

At the Party

The kids had a blast – they really enjoyed trying out all of the Hot Wheels® tracks.  We had 13 kids in total and 6 adults at the playdate and it was very laid back.  The kids played, the parents socialized and everyone had a great time.  We had more than enough cars and tracks so all of the kids were busy and happy.  

The kids started inside with the Hot Wheels® cars and then moved outside to run around and jump on the trampoline.  When we came back inside they played Ultimate Spoon Racing and all did really well at balancing their cars.  They snacked, played with the cars and really had a lot of fun.  Everyone left happy and with a goodie bag in hand!

Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! Sponsored House Party

If you are planning on hosting a Hot Wheels® party anytime soon make sure you check out the awesome selection at Target.  A lot of the items included in our House Party box are exclusive to Target. 

***I received a free Party Kit from House Party to host my Hot Wheels® Make It Epic™ Party! – no other compensation was provided and all opinions are my own***

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