Kindergarten Valentine’s Day Reading List and Story Extension
Are you looking for some Valentine’s Day books to read at home? If so read on. We love building our home library and frequently purchase holiday books from the Scholastic Reading Club flyers that come home from school. Reading aloud is so important to help kids expand their vocabulary.
Below find a list of some of our favorite Valentine’s Day books as well as a fun story extension to do with your kids to show love to less fortunate animals. You can click on the photos below to purchase the books (these are not affiliate links).
1) Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse!
By Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond
Mouse creates Valentines for all of the friends he loves. A simple story that celebrates the unique friends Mouse has and their love for each other.
2) Pinkalicious – Pink of Hearts
By Victoria Kann
Pinkalicious’ class is celebrating Valentine’s Day. A story of creating Valentines for classmates for their class party.
3) Clifford’s™ Puppy Days – Lots of Love
by Sarah Fisch
Clifford and Emily Elizabeth decide to spread their love on Valentine’s Day to animals in need at the local shelter.
4) Love, Splat
by Rob Scotton
A story of Splat and his class Valentine’s Day party. Will Splat win the paw of Kitten over his rival Spike?
5) My Fuzzy Valentine
by Naomi Kleinberg
A board book that has Fuzzy Valentines throughout. Elmo searches for who sent him an anonymous Valentine.
Story Extension from Lots of Love
I love the message in the story Lots of Love. We also have lots of love to share so we just decided to bake homemade dog biscuits to donate to our local animal shelter. Our puppy Lucy got to be the lucky taste tester and she approved!
The kids were excited to make biscuits for our local animal shelter (and Lucy). I decided to create my own recipe for Banana Oatmeal Dog Biscuits as I couldn’t find a recipe that didn’t need additional ingredients above what I had on hand. See the recipe at the bottom of the post.

- 1-1/2 cups wheat flour
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- pinch of salt
- 2 medium ripe bananas
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
- Preheat the oven to 350
- Mix dry ingredients
- Add banana and coconut oil
- Mix together until fully combined (this will be difficult to mix - using your hands to fully mix may be necessary)
- Dust your surface with wheat flour and roll the dough, cut bone shapes
- Bake for 20 minutes
- Flip the biscuits and bake for 10 more minutes or until the biscuits harden

If you are looking for some more great Friendship & Valentine’s Themed posts take a look at the links below for the Kindergarten Unit Study Blog Hop.
Scratch Art cards by Castle View Academy
Q-tip hearts from Our Whimsical Days
Cardboard Hearts Hand Eye Coordination from Sugar Aunts
Love Heart Number Bonds to Ten by Adventures of Adam
Kindergarten Valentine’s Day Activities from Something 2 Offer
Valentine’s Day Initial Sound Matching Activity by Play & Learn Everyday
Kindergarten Perfect Valentines Experiment by Thriving STEM
Heart Shaped Fairy Bread by Kidz Activities
Printable Valentine Coloring Book Pictures from Sight and Sound Reading
Couscous Hearts by Squiggles and Bubbles