Mickey Mouse Bean Bag Toss

Mickey Mouse Bean Bag Toss

Mickey Mouse Bean Bag Toss

So we are in crunch time – we are down to 3 days before our Mickey Valentines Day #DisneySide @Home Celebration!  We are doing some games for the kids and I decided that it would be fun and easy to create a Mickey Mouse bean bag toss game.

My Pinterest inspiration came from these two sites today: Daily Life of Doty! and The Chickabug Blog.  They both had Mickey inspired bean bag tosses and I combined some of their ideas to create my game.

Materials Needed

  1. Foam Core Board (I bought this at Dollar Tree)
  2. Bag of Beans
  3. Black Balloons
  4. Funnel
  5. Utility Knife
  6. Curling Ribbon (optional)
  7. Scissors (optional)
  8. Paint (optional)


I used a bowl and a cup to trace the Mickey head shapes on my foam board.  My husband graciously cut them out after I traced them on with a utility knife (again with my fear of cutting myself and klutziness I defer to him when it comes to using blades :)).

Mickey Mouse Bean Bag Toss

While he was still cutting I started filling the black balloons with beans.  I used a funnel and wrapped the balloon mouth around the opening.  I dumped the beans into the funnel and had to shake it up and down for the beans to actually go in the balloon.  When the balloons were filled I tied them off.  I decided to tie a piece of red curling ribbon on them just to dress them up.

Mickey Mouse Bean Bag Toss

Once I finished with the balloons I decided to paint the foam board to dress that up as well.  We have a lot of paint on hand so I went and picked a red glitter paint (perfect for Mickey and our Valentine’s theme).

Mickey Mouse Bean Bag Toss

Out of pocket cost for this project was $3 (the cost of the beans, foam board and balloons).  Very inexpensive to create and with minimal effort – between my husband and I we only spent about 30 minutes to create this game.

At this point I’m done with most of my party prep – now it is just down to food prep and having fun.  The kids and I can’t wait for Saturday to get here!  As of now the forecast isn’t predicting snow so we are grateful for that 🙂

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  1. www.w3ightl055.com February 14, 2015
  2. Tamika February 3, 2020
    • Shannon A April 28, 2020

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