Categories: FoodMama

Pantry behind Basement Door

I love my husband – lets lay that out there.  He is a great guy and puts up with me so that makes him pretty awesome, at least in my eyes.  I showed him a pin from Pinterest with a pantry built on the back of a door.  I have minimal cupboard space and I thought that would be awesome.  I have a large collection of spices for cooking and baking but my true issue was the amount of holiday sprinkles I have.  I used to have them shoved on the top shelf of my lazy susan in my corner cupboard – the issue was that I couldn’t see them well and just kept buying more (I guess I should disclose that I will continue to buy more because really – who can pass up clearance holiday sprinkles???)

Well, I digress, so I showed him the pin on Thursday or Friday night last week and by Sunday afternoon I had moved all of my spices and sprinkles into my new basement door pantry!  Our basement door is located right next to the stove so it is really an ideal location for me.  You could do this with a pantry door, closet door, or really any door you decide!  It could also work really well if you are an avid crafter.  The pin just lead to a picture or I would link the persons website here.

So my husband measured behind the door and headed for the garage.  We have a large amount of lumber in the garage thanks to my grandfather.   He headed out and worked on gathering lumber he could use than came back in because it was too cold out – I think it was about 4 degrees at this point.  While he was waiting for it to warm up a little he painted the back of the door white (it was hideous when we bought it and we never painted as we don’t have the door open frequently).

He built the frame and brought it inside (sorry no measurements as I wasn’t super involved in this project other than providing encouragement!).

After the two coats of paint on the door dried he installed the shelf and then painted that.

After the shelf was installed and the paint had dried I moved in!  This was my major involvement in the project.  Here is a before look at my cupboards.

And here is after!

My new pantry allows me to keep things more visually available as well as it has some room for growth!  I have decided that the bottom shelves that are a bit larger will hold some of my canned vegetables saving me from running to the basement when I am rushing to make dinner.  Again – I love this and my husband 🙂


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Shannon A: My name is Shannon and I look forward to sharing some of my life with you! I am an Event Manager turned part time working mom trying to wrangle two kids, a dog, a bunny, a husband and my blog! I have a degree in Sports, Entertainment, and Event Management and worked in the hotel industry but realized the hours weren’t conducive to having a family and giving them the attention that I wanted.