How to Make a Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny Container

How to Make a Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny Container

How to Make a Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny Container 

Do you travel a lot as a family?  If so you understand how expensive everything can be.  You pay for flights, a hotel, a rental car, fees for attractions and on and on.  When you have kids you also have to contend with the constant pressure of buying souvenirs.  During our travels we have found one souvenir that doesn’t break the bank.  Pressed Pennies!  Our kids LOVE them!  We search for them wherever we go.  When you travel to Disney – Land or World you will find so many pressed penny machines you won’t know which ones to pick!  I decided to make the kids Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny Containers to hold the coins they will use to make their souvenirs.  

Materials Needed

How to Make a Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny Container

  • Mini M&M’s tube – small or large – emptied out
  • Disney scrapbook paper (or you could print an image out)
  • Scissors
  • Scotch Tape
  • Packing Tape


How to Make a Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny Container

  • Empty the M&M’s out of the tube (you can use them to make these awesome cookies!)
  • Find a piece of scrapbook paper that you like – make sure it is long enough to cover the entire length of the tube and that it wraps all the way around 
  • Cut the paper to size
  • Fold scotch tape and adhere a few pieces to the back of the paper and wrap the paper around the tube
  • Wrap the entire tube with packing tape 

Once you have decorated your Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny container you can fill them.  Stack two quarters and one penny and repeat until full (or you run out of coins!).  

How to Make a Personalized Disney Themed Pressed Penny Container

Here are a list of resources for where you can find the Pressed Penny Machines at Walt Disney World:

I really like the link below as it allows you to print pocket guides for all of the locations!

iPhone App

Here are a list of resources for where you can find the Pressed Penny Machines at Disneyland:

iPhone App

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