Sleep Sublime Eye Mask by Smarter Rest Review

Sleep Sublime Eye Mask by Smarter Rest Review

Sleep Sublime Eye Mask by Smarter Rest Review

***I received this product at a heavily discounted price for my honest review***

I have to admit when asked to review this product I was a little hesitant.  I’ve never worn a sleep mask and honestly probably won’t wear it frequently.  BUT with that being said – I do get migraine headaches.  When I get a migraine I’m very sensitive to even the smallest amount of light.  In our house we do not have curtains in our bedroom.  Someday I will make some but it hasn’t been my priority since we moved in three years ago, and since I don’t plan to make blackout curtains they won’t be completely helpful when I have a migraine.

The mask is great! The mask came on Sunday and on Tuesday I had a migraine (I must have jinxed myself just by ordering it right?). This mask allowed me to rest comfortably. The slight pressure it put on my forehead also seemed to help ease the headache. The mask is high quality and very soft against your face.

You can purchase this sleep mask on Amazon at the following link:

I would highly recommend this sleep mask to anyone that needs to sleep when it is light out for any reason.  It is perfect for migraine sufferers or shift workers.

***I received this product at a heavily discounted price for my honest review***

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