Snow Days!

As everyone in the US has heard by now we had a major blizzard in the north east.  Up here in central Maine we ended up with a fair amount of snow – right around 18 inches.  This resulted in two snow days for Boo Boo, Tuesday and Wednesday.  This also resulted in a lot of inside time!

Tuesday I had a super off day – I spilled my water cup all over my Betty Crocker cook book, splashed dish water all over the floor and burnt my arm well enough to get blisters.  At that point I pretty much gave up for the day!!

The apple pie did come out really well, my arm is healing so I guess all is right in the world.

These are pictures during the storm on Tuesday morning – this was in one of the heavier bursts of snow – the kids had to go out!


Wednesday morning we dug out – my husband was outside for probably close to two hours and the kids and I were out for about an hour and a half.  I had read about “snow paint” and decided to give it a try to occupy the kids while we were shoveling and snow-blowing the driveway.  I asked my husband to get some empty water bottles from the garage and drill holes in the caps for me.  In the kitchen I took food coloring and dyed the water to the kids favorite colors (looking back and at the pictures I should have made a different color for Boo Boo – can anyone guess why???)


The snow painting occupied them all of five minutes – in retrospect I think we needed to make the holes in the caps a little larger for ease of use with little hands in mittens.

They proceeded to ride their ride-ons down the walk way and then on to king of the mountain on the biggest snowbank they could find!

It was hard work but definitely a good workout clearing the driveway – as always my hubby is a rockstar and did the majority 🙂  Check out the bank from the plow by the street – it was higher than the snow blower.  I ended up shoveling the height above the snow blower off so he could break through easier.

We made it through this storm, now we are looking on to the next which should be starting sometime tonight – who knows it could end up being another foot plus of snow – hopefully not!  I did some more decorating for our #DisneySide party but will post those pictures another day.  Stay safe out there fellow Mainers!

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Shannon A: My name is Shannon and I look forward to sharing some of my life with you! I am an Event Manager turned part time working mom trying to wrangle two kids, a dog, a bunny, a husband and my blog! I have a degree in Sports, Entertainment, and Event Management and worked in the hotel industry but realized the hours weren’t conducive to having a family and giving them the attention that I wanted.
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