Summer Blahs

Summer Blahs

Summer Blahs

The last couple of days have been rough.  The temperatures have been high for Maine and Buddy has been sick.  We don’t have many nice days up here so it stinks to have to spend them inside.  Yesterday Buddy was very sad while Boo Boo and Hubby were in the pool before dinner.  I was a little sad myself!  I mean just look at that picture above – doesn’t that make you want to swim too?

Today Buddy woke up and was sick to his stomach so another blah day.  I called the pediatricians office this morning and they recommended he come in to be checked out.

Hubby and I had already scheduled an appointment with our lawyer to get our wills finalized this morning (before we knew Buddy was sick).  So Hubby’s mom popped down this morning and watched the kiddos for an hour while we were at the appointment.  To make life interesting Buddy’s appointment was at 10:45.  It was a serious crunch to get out of the lawyers, rush home, and load Buddy (accompanied by a puke bucket) into the car to rush to his doctors appointment.

The doctor said that Buddy most likely has Adenovirus.  What is that you say ?  Great question!  Click the link below for a list of symptoms:

So we got prescribed an anti-nausea medication and sent home to wait for the virus to run its course.  Thankfully Buddy was feeling a bit better by the time we got out of the doctors office and the pharmacy.  He even ate some lunch so maybe we won’t need to use the medicine (fingers crossed)!  We are hoping that Boo Boo won’t get the virus as well but the doctor made it sound that it is quite possible she would contract it as well.

To brighten our day this afternoon after Buddy went up for a nap Boo Boo and I made a crumb coffee cake.  We used the recipe from Center Cut Cook.  It smelled amazing while it was baking – check out the fresh out of the oven picture below!

Summer Blahs

I can’t wait for a piece 🙂  Here’s hoping Buddy recovers quickly and that no one else falls ill.  I hope everyone else is enjoying their summers!

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