10 Travel Tips with Toddlers at Magic Kingdom

10 Travel Tips with Toddlers at Magic Kingdom

10 Travel Tips with Toddlers at Magic Kingdom

Are you planning a trip to Magic Kingdom with Toddlers?  Take a look at my 10 Travel Tips with Toddlers at Magic Kingdom below.  We have taken multiple trips with our kids starting with Boo Boo by herself at 9 months old to both kids at ages 5 and 4 with many trips in between.  I don’t claim to be an expert but we have been through a lot of ages and stages with our kids – now that they are out of diapers life is a little easier when packing though!  

Read on for my tips on making a day at Magic Kingdom more magical 🙂  

  1. Book your three Fastpasses in advance (mydisneyexperience.com)- try to schedule for afternoon or evening when wait times have increased.
  2. Be at the park when it opens/Head straight to new Fantasyland as soon as the park opens for the shortest wait times
  3. Pack (or plan to buy) snacks on a regular basis – bring little snacks like fruit snacks or goldfish for waiting in lines to help pass the time.  Pack bottled water (Florida can get very hot and getting dehydrated doesn’t take long).
  4. Have you diaper bag stocked – if you have a child in diapers make sure you have everything you will need for the day (spare clothes, diapers, wipes, baby food, bottles, formula, etc.).  All parks have a Baby Care Center but you will pay dearly for those forgotten items.
  5. Bring ponchos – you can buy them at the Dollar Store prior to your trip and save a lot of money over buying them in the park.  It rains in Florida (a lot!!!) – its better to be prepared then soaked.
  6. Bring (or rent) a stroller – even if your child is walking they will need breaks and it is a great place to stash things.  Attach a ribbon or bow to the stroller to help distinguish it in the sea of strollers (especially since the cast members move strollers frequently to optimize parking space)
  7. Plan around nap time – if your child is still taking naps plan to go back to your resort to rest (unless they will sleep in the stroller).  Tired kids are not nice kids (at least at my house!).
  8. Allow flexibility – don’t have a rigid plan in place as it will add stress to the trip.  With little kids you need to go with the flow at times.
  9. Do your research ahead of time – if your child has a favorite character try to plan ahead for where they meet so you don’t miss them
  10. Use the My Disney Experience App on your phone – this will help you look up wait times, see if rides are closed, find the nearest bathrooms, etc.  Pretty much anything you need to know while you are in the parks is at the tip of your fingers.  Be prepared for the app to drain your battery fairly quickly by carrying a portable charger (remember all of your cords as well).

I will let you in on a “secret” (not to my family) – I am a planner by nature so I tend to over-pack.  I like to be ready for lots of different scenarios.  As the kids have gotten older I pack less but I still bring ponchos, spare outfits, snacks and water.  

Planning ahead helps you to be ready but once you are there relax and have fun.  Enjoy the magic of Disney and watch your children’s faces as they light up with pure joy 🙂

Here is a picture from our latest trip – I will treasure this one forever as it was prior to park opening (we had a breakfast reservation at Cinderella’s Royal Table).

10 Travel Tips with Toddlers at Magic Kingdom

Photo courtesy of Disney Photopass

If you want more tips and tricks check out my Disney Vacation Pinterest board by clicking the link below:

Follow Crafty Mama in ME’s board Disney vacation on Pinterest.

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