Splash Brands – BabySteps Scratch-Off Calendar Giveaway

Splash Brands - BabySteps Scratch-Off Calendar Giveaway

Splash Brands – BabySteps Scratch-Off Calendar Giveaway

Are you expecting?  Or do you know someone that is?  Keep reading to learn more about an awesome new product!  Stay tuned at the bottom of the post for a BabySteps Scratch-Off Calendar Giveaway as well.

The BabySteps Scratch-Off Calendar is a beautifully designed wall poster with 236 entertaining facts and tips for parents-to-be. The individual fields are all covered by scratch paint. One new field is scratched off every day.

The calendar is made in Germany.  It contains a total of 236 facts, tips and trivia, all relating to the individual pregnancy stages. Splash Brands has invested over 1.5 years of development into this product.  

I think this would be a fun present for a parent-to-be.  This is a great way to watch the days of your pregnancy pass by and also learn new information.  I know I would have appreciated something like this when I was expecting our first child.  I eagerly read parenting and pregnancy books so I know that I would have looked forward to scratching each day to learn something new.

To find more information about Splash Brands Products click the links below:



To order:


BabySteps Scratch-Off Calendar Giveaway

Enter for a chance to win one of three calendars.  

***The calendars will be shipped directly from Splash Brands***

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