Disney Side Party!!

As of January 7th I have been really excited.  I signed up earlier in the month online to potentially host a Disney Side @Home Celebration after reading about it on the Disney Alumni Association Facebook group that I am part of.  I thought it would be really awesome to host a Disney Side party but figured i wouldn’t get picked.

I checked my email on the 7th and boom:

Congratulations! You’ve been selected to be a host of a Disney Side @Home Celebration! You were selected from thousands of applicants and we’re so excited for you to participate and bring your love of Disney Parks to life. It’s almost time to let your Disney Side shine

After I got the email I learned of a Facebook group for past and present hosts of Disney Side @Home Celebration’s.  I am awaiting approval to be an official member but can see the content.  I learned that you can track your hostess package using UPS my choice.  Upon tracking I have found that mine comes tomorrow night!!  I can’t wait!!  Off to give the kiddos baths so to be continued…

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