Educational Playtime with Duplo – Sorting, Estimating, and Building

Educational Playtime with Duplo® - Sorting, Estimating, and Building

Educational Playtime with Duplo® – Sorting, Estimating, and Building

Do you have a lot of Lego® Duplo® blocks at your house?  Are you looking for an activity to do with your kids that adds an additional educational element to playtime?  Today I told my son that we were going to do a project with our Duplo® blocks and he was so excited.  Our project was Educational Playtime with Duplo® – Sorting, Estimating, and Building.

1) Sort 

We had fun working together to sort the Duplo® blocks in to piles by colors.  It was most interesting to watch Buddy determine where the blocks went – especially for some of the multi colored ones.  I was impressed with his reasoning skills while sorting.  He was excited to sort the blocks and finished this part of the project quickly.

Educational Playtime with Duplo® - Sorting, Estimating, and Building

2) Estimate

In this step we did a few different things.

  • Estimate which color pile had the most blocks
  • Estimate which color pile has the least blocks
  • Talk about which color piles looked roughly the same size
  • OPTIONAL: You could take this a step further if your child is older and have them check their estimates by counting the piles

3) Build

This was my Buddy’s favorite step of course!  He loves to build with the Duplo® blocks.  He got a train Duplo® set for Christmas last year and it is still a favorite.  He loves that he has the wheeled flatbed cars to create whatever he wants on top of.  

I was surprised to see that Buddy continued using his blocks based on our sorted piles.  He built a super tall train with a red car, a blue car, and two green cars.

Educational Playtime with Duplo® - Sorting, Estimating, and Building

I haven’t officially posted about our puppy Lucy on the blog but I will someday soon.  But in case you wonder how doing kids activities and having a puppy go take a look at this photo.  If I’m on the floor with the kids she is in my lap.  If I’m at my desk typing – 80% of the time she is in my lap.  I think somebody will be a sad pup when she doesn’t fit anymore.

Educational Playtime with Duplo® - Sorting, Estimating, and Building

This post is part of a whole group of posts about Lego® Duplo® blocks.  If you are looking for some more inspiration take a look at the links below.

Educational Playtime with Duplo - Sorting, Estimating, and Building

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