Fun & Easy Christmas Crafts for the Whole Class

***I am a Oriental Trading Brand Ambassador – I received free product in exchange for review.  All opinions are my own***

Fun & Easy Christmas Crafts for the Whole Class

Fun & Easy Christmas Crafts for the Whole Class

I love the Christmas season – sharing joy with others is the best part for me!  As I have small children I am active in our community whether it is helping with a sports team, being a scout leader or a PTA board member.  My favorite part of being active with our youth is celebrating with them – kids LOVE to celebrate.  Every year our elementary school PTA puts on a holiday craft for the kids by grade level.  This year I partnered with Oriental Trading and am so excited to share the great craft kits we will be using!

Choosing The Ornament

If you are planning on putting on a craft for a large group of children I would highly recommend the craft kits from Oriental Trading – they come individually bagged with instructions in each kit!  Our PTA is doing the craft with each grade level – ranging from 44 students up to 82.  With that many kids I decided to keep things simple and get kits that would provide me with the same ornament for each student so there was no fighting over who got what.

Some kits have self adhesive pieces and others don’t – keep that in mind as you pick.  I only picked kits with self adhesive to eliminate the need for drying time and to keep things easy for the volunteers helping the students.

We got some really cute kits for our students to create ornaments – we will personalize them by adding their school picture.

Fun & Easy Christmas Crafts for the Whole Class

Making the Ornaments

I worked with my kids to make a display ornament for each grade level so the volunteers could see the completed product and show it to the students.  The display ornaments I typically make with the teachers pictures so they can take home an ornament as well.

From start to finish these ornaments are so easy.  Upon arrival at your doorstep the box will contain packages with the different kits you order packaged separately.  Inside each kit will be the individually bagged ornaments and a small bag of extra pieces.  The contents of each individual bag is exactly what is needed to create one ornament.

Fun & Easy Christmas Crafts for the Whole Class

The instructions are easy to follow and the self adhesive pieces will have you from start to finish in no time at all.

Fun & Easy Christmas Crafts for the Whole Class

Coordinating your Class Craft

  • Make sure you get enough volunteers to help make the ornament (make a trial ornament ahead of time to see what your students will need help with) – also the younger the students are the more help is usually better.
  • Have younger kids follow along step by step if they cannot read the directions.
  • Older kids who can read can work at their own pace.
  • Play Christmas music in the background and have a fun time!

Kids love creating and crafting and these Christmas Ornaments are the perfect outlet.  They will be so happy to head home and show off the ornaments they make to their parents!

Do you help with any kids groups or in a daycare?  If so head over to Oriental Trading and take a look at their awesome selection of Christmas Ornaments!

Looking for a deal at Oriental Trading? Visit their coupon page for the latest in sales.



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  1. Heather H December 12, 2016
    • Shannon A December 12, 2016

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