How to Simplify your Holiday Shopping
I love the holiday season but the thing I dread the most is shopping. Running from store to store and not finding what I need is frustrating – especially when you are surrounded by a lot of people that aren’t feeling very festive. Whether I am buying presents or picking up groceries for a holiday party – I love heading to BJ’s as I can everything done in one store. If you want to simplify your holiday shopping sign up for a membership today!
Have you ever been into a BJ’s? If not – you are in for a treat. You walk into the store without having to show your membership card and can pick up the most recent coupon booklet by the door (that’s right – you can use coupons at BJ’s!!). BJ’s provides you with their own coupons and you can also use any manufacturer’s coupons as well.
Every year I host our families Christmas Eve party – we pick up pizzas from a local store the night of the party but I head to BJ’s to pick up everything else I will need (even a few last minute gifts for our annual Yankee Swap). BJ’s Members can save up to 25% compared to grocery store pricing. Our menu includes a lot of finger foods: cheese and crackers, chips, a veggie tray, and a fruit tray.
Take a look at these awesome items I saw in BJ’s – I can skip the prep work and pick these trays up ready to go! The great selection of easy to prepare appetizers and ready-made platters from BJ’s are at savings supermarkets can’t match so you can feel confident you are serving quality food at prices you can afford.

Top: Hormel Tray – Meat & Cheese 3lb – $16.99 Bottom Left: Veggie tray with Dip – $9.99 Bottom Right: Fruit Tray – $7.99
If you are looking for other appetizers or ready to serve foods BJ’s does not disappoint. There is a full freezer aisle of hors d’oeuvres that you can heat and serve and plenty of assorted desserts ready to go.
If you are looking for a last minute gift makes sure you take a look at this awesome toy aisle! While you won’t find a full toy store inside BJ’s you will find a great selection with some prices that can’t be beat.
If you are hungry while you are in BJ’s do not fear – you can head to the front of the store to visit the Cafe. Grab lunch or a quick snack.
BJ’s makes your holiday shopping so much easier. Not only do you get to save money you get to save time as well. Saving money is great but saving time is amazing! More time to play with the kids, more time to relax – who knows what you would do with that extra time but don’t you want to find out?
If you are not already a member, download an exclusive, limited-time coupon for a 90-day free trial at BJ’s Wholesale Club here!
Learn more about BJ’s Wholesale Club and their membership options by visiting their website.