Home Depot Kids Workshop

Today we went to Home Depot (Store #2414) in Bangor on Stillwater Avenue for the free monthly kids workshop.  Again I said FREE – as in you pay nothing!  These are something we look forward to doing every month with our kids.  It is great especially for these long winter months as it gives us a reason to get out of the house and the kids something fun to do.  We also go to the free workshops at Lowe’s but find Home Depot’s to be a bit more fun as they have clowns that make balloon animals and you get to paint your project after you build it.

This month was extra special for Easter – they had an egg hunt in the store (kids were limited to 3 eggs each), the Easter Bunny was there for photo opps, and they had various other games and coloring stations set up as well.  The signage stated hot dogs as well but we went around 9am and didn’t see that.  But this was all FREE!!  Can you say some awesome customer appreciation!

You can find information about these events by clicking the Home Depot logo below.

This months building project was a Chalkboard Planter Stand.  It is amazing to me how the kids skill levels have increased.  The first time we went they had never used a hammer – now they know how to put the nails in the holes, how to straighten the nails before hitting them and mostly to actually watch what they are doing.  Today I only helped Boo Boo once and that was because they hadn’t made a starter hole on that particular spot.


While the kids are building the clowns come around the room and make each kid a balloon creation.  Today Boo Boo got a flower headband and Buddy got a sword.


After the kids finish building their project we move over to the painting station and they paint it to their liking.  Once they finish painting we typically leave but today we had pictures with the Easter Bunny.  If you couldn’t tell Boo Boo was a bit leery of the Easter Bunny!


After pictures we headed out into the store on the Easter Egg hunt.  The kids were very excited and each found three eggs to take home with them.  Then we headed back to the coloring station we had seen while we were hunting for eggs.


Overall we had a blast this morning!  Thank you very much to our local Home Depot for providing such a family fun event today.

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