How to Throw a Patriotic 4th of July Celebration

***I am a Oriental Trading Brand Ambassador – I received free product in exchange for review.  All opinions are my own***

How to Throw a Patriotic 4th of July Celebration

How to Throw a Patriotic 4th of July Celebration

Do you love the 4th of July?  I definitely do!  We spend the day with our family celebrating!  We eat a lot, play fun games, swim, and we always finish the day off with a fun fireworks display shot off over the pond.  Does that sound like fun to you?  If so read on to learn how to throw a Patriotic 4th of July Celebration for your own family.

The main elements to our family celebration each year include the decorations, the food, the games, sometime of craft, a fun outfit, and the fireworks!  Read on to here some of of our favorite traditions and some of the new fun I plan to introduce this year.

Patriotic Decor

We spend the day on the pond at our families camp (if you aren’t from Maine you may be wondering what I mean by camp – in other parts of the US I think it would be called a lake house).  Our decor is very simple yet still patriotic.  My mom hangs patriotic buntings off the deck railing – how cute is this Personalized Bunting?  You will also find these fun patriotic buntings and patriotic buntings dotting the flower pots.

A few years ago I also made my mom this awesome Patriotic Handprint Wreath that she hangs up each year.  See the image below.

Patriotic Handprint Wreaths

Patriotic Family Friendly Games

Each year we make a patriotic pinata – see the image below from quite a few years ago!  This is a family favorite and something I think the kids would protest if we stopped.

We buy a bunch of small items to stuff inside for the kids to get when it breaks – find some examples of what we have used in the past below:

Now that the kids are getting bigger we are starting to find more games for them to play.  This year I picked up two new games – Patriotic Bean Bag Toss and Patriotic Potato Sacks for Sack Races.  My kids tested them out and definitely can’t wait to play with them with their cousins.

How to Throw a Patriotic 4th of July Celebration

Patriotic Outfit

The kids always have some type of matching outfit for the holiday as well.  The Patriotic T-Shirts below were one of our last projects.

How to make a DIY Patriotic T-shirt

Craft Project

This year we decided to add another element to the day – a craft.  We bought two different kits to let the kids choose or they can make both if they want.  We got a Bead Necklace Craft Kit and a Patriotic Turtle Ornament Craft Kit.

Food & Fireworks

Our family works together for all of the food that is served on the 4th.  We all have assigned items to bring to make sure we have plenty of food for both lunch and dinner and plenty of snacking in between!  Our fireworks display is very similar – all of the families contribute by purchasing their own items that are all pooled together to be shot off when it is finally dark!

If you are looking for some inspiration to throw your own 4th of July Party take a look at all of the goodies at Oriental Trading!  Each year we find more and more goodies to add to our collection and add to our families fun!  


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