Kids in the Kitchen: Easy Lemon Tarts
Do your kids love to help in the kitchen? Mine surely do! Boo Boo had randomly mentioned yesterday that we hadn’t made a pie in a long time so that was my inspiration for this mornings activity. The kids absolutely love lemon meringue pie but I wasn’t feeling quite that ambitious. So I thought about what I could do that still had lemon and I decided on Lemon Tarts. This is a super easy baking project that anyone could do.
Lemon Tart Recipe
Pie Dough Ingredients:
***Pie Dough Recipe from my Betty Crocker Cook Book***
- 2 cups Flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 2/3 cup shortening plus 2 tbs
- 4-5 tbs cold water
(Optional – substitute store bought pie dough)
Filling Ingredients:
- Lemon Pudding mix
- Milk
(Optional – use snack packs for filling instead of pudding mix)
- Whipped Cream
The recipe above is for a two crust pie dough, this will make roughly 18 tart shells (depending on how thin you roll your dough). You could also buy a store bought pie crust to make this even easier.
For the crust – mix the flour and salt. Cut in the shortening until the dough starts to form small pea sized pieces. Slowly add the water until you reach the right consistency. I cut the dough into two pieces and had both kids help roll their own piece and cut the circles. Flour your counter, roll the dough and cut with a cookie cutter (roughly 4 inch circle – mine had fluted edges to make the tarts a little fancier). Push the cut dough into a muffin tin.
Bake at 475º for 8 – 10 minutes until lightly brown. Remove from muffin tin and let cool on baking rack.
For the filling – you can use instant pudding mix or ready made pudding. Today we used two snack packs as we only made six tarts. If I wanted to make more I would have made a box of pudding. We used a spoon and filled the tart shells.
I put the tarts in the fridge and we topped them with whipped cream at time of serving.
We had a fun morning working in the kitchen together. Let me know if you have a favorite recipe to make with your children!