How to put Together your Nintendo Switch Controllers

How to Put Together your Nintendo Switch Controllers

How to Put Together your Nintendo Switch Controllers

So did you (or hubby) have to run out this morning and buy a Nintendo Switch? My husband had to have it!   So off he went to stand in line at Target.  He was lucky enough to be number 7 in line so he was able to purchase one of the 19 systems they had available.

He got home with the box and I decided to try to help him put the controllers together.  This was a mistake!  Backstory – I don’t really like video games much and don’t play them frequently (or at all).  I got the Joy-Cons (aka controllers) out of their plastic and the Joy-Con Wrist straps (aka the little black pieces that slide onto the side of the controllers with the strap).

If you don’t pay attention to what you are doing you will assemble the Joy-Cons incorrectly.  Then you will stress out that have ruined your husband’s $300 present 🙁

Don’t despair!!  You can fix the problem.  We made a short video of the process showing how you can install the wrist strap incorrectly and correctly.  


Explaining the new #nintendoswitch Joy Con wrist strap installation process. #craftymamainme #ontheblog #linkinbio

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The games are on cartridges unlike previous systems.  They look like a digital cameras SD card essentially but are a little bit thicker.

How to put together your Nintendo Switch Controllers

Be prepared to spend time charging your JoyCons before you get to play much.

Happy Gaming!



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