Summer Fun PJ Day


Summer Fun PJ Day

Hubby had to travel for work and was gone for a few days this past week.  He left in the evening and was only gone two days – not long at all – but it seemed long to me when I’m used to him working from home.  The day after he flew out was supposed to be rainy and dreary.  I planned a Summer Fun PJ Day for the kids (this could really be any time of the year – a great winter or rainy day activity).

What is that you ask?  It is very similar to a Yes Day.  I first read about a yes day in this article from Huffington post:

5 Things I Learned When I Said Yes to My Daughter for 24 Hours

I was pretty sure I would set myself up for failure if I phrased it as a Yes Day.  I say no a lot every day – I definitely said it less but honestly Buddy pushes the limits with pretty much every activity we do.

So how did we plan for our Summer Fun PJ Day?  The night before I told the kids we were having a PJ day so they would know.  After I did my morning chores I grabbed a piece of construction paper and a marker and had the kids join me in the living room.  We made a list that included mostly their ideas and a few of mine.

Summer Fun PJ Day

During the day we added a few activities to the list.  We did everything on the list but play cars and color – I was impressed.

The items on our list:

  • Play w/Toolie (the stuffed Boxer Boo Boo is holding in the above picture)
  • Play w/ Diesel Train
  • Games
  • Paw Patrol
  • Jake and the Neverland Pirates
  • Bake Cookies
  • Play with playdough
  • Movie – watch a Scooby Doo movie with Mama
  • Lunch – Jelly Sandwiches (NO PB!!)
  • Dinner Movie Picnic (when we watched Scooby) w/ finger food – Pizza specifically
  • Play with slime
  • Color
  • Play Cars
  • Play upstairs
  • Put on temporary Tattoos
  • Play car crash video game

Next time I would also add:

  • Story time (3 books per kid)
  • Craft/project
  • Choice of one tv show each

I talked to my mom in the morning right after we made the list and told her what we were doing and she asked to hear the list.  After I read it she said she was tired already!  Honestly it made our day fly by so quickly – it also kept fighting and whining to a minimum.  I had the kids alternate who got to pick the next activity and it really worked out well.

Check out a few photos from our day in the slideshow below:

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This was a super fun day for both me and the kids.  The kids got the attention they crave and I took a break from a lot of my household work and blogging work to just enjoy them.  There will definitely be more PJ days in our future 🙂

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