In our house any project that involves stickers equals a happy kid! I regularly stock up on stickers in after holiday clearance sales, the Target dollar spot, Dollar Tree, and pretty much any craft store when I find them on sale. This week Boo Boo’s pre-k teacher sent home a request for stickers and I didn’t even have to purchase any new ones – just donate some from my stash!
So back to this project – we do something like this every year and make decorations to put up in our dining room.
Project Materials Needed:
Heart shapes (I had foam but you could also cut hearts out of paper, I also do this project with heart shaped Doilies)
Assorted stickers (we used both Valentine’s specific stickers and Disney characters)
Glitter Glue (optional – I just got a great deal on some big tubes at Ocean State Job Lots in their Christmas Clearance section)
I let the kids pick out what color heart they wanted to use. Next they picked out the stickers they wanted to use and got to work.
After they finished with stickers I gave them the option of adding some glitter glue for extra pizzazz! Buddy had a hard time squeezing the glue bottle and got tired of that part quickly while Boo Boo was all about the glitter glue. Not surprising as she likes anything girly!
See the picture below of their finished products.
Overall this is an easy project for any preschooler and great for fine motor skills development with the peeling action required to get off the stickers. Substitute the hearts with any shape for pretty much all holidays and you have an easy, kid approved activity.