Halloween Carnival Fun for Kids made Easy

***I am a Oriental Trading Brand Ambassador – I received free product in exchange for review.  All opinions are my own***
Halloween Carnival Fun for Kids made Easy. Planning a Halloween Party? Be sure to check out @OrientalTrading for great games and prizes on a budget! #ad

Halloween Carnival Fun for Kids made Easy

Are you room mom for you kids class?  Or a Scout leader?  Are you trying to find a fun but easy and economical way to celebrate Halloween with kids?  If so read on and find out how to use some awesome products from Oriental Trading Company to help you make Halloween Carnival Fun for Kids (easily and on a budget!).

So what are the basic elements you need to throw a Halloween Carnival for kids?  

  1. Games
  2. Prizes

Pretty simple huh?  Kids love playing games and they love winning something no matter how small the prize.


Halloween Carnival Fun for Kids made Easy. Planning a Halloween Party? Be sure to check out @OrientalTrading for great games and prizes on a budget! #ad

These are the fun games I got for my Scout troop to play (and of course my kids had to test them out ahead of time!):


As I mentioned before kids don’t really care what their prize is as long as they get something!  I found some cute little items to give out to the kids and of course we will have little treats.

I love planning parties for my kids classrooms and Scout troops.  My husband always asks why I do so many things for them and my response is always “they are only little once” or “I only have so many years before they don’t want me around”.  I’m taking advantage of the time I’m given with my kids and helping create special memories along the way.  While every parent doesn’t have as much time as I do to volunteer just remember its the little things that matter and that your kids will remember.  They will remember the field trip you went on or the school concert your boss actually let you off of work to see.  Don’t focus on what you can’t do – focus on the things you can do. (phew…stepping off my parenting advice soap box).

Halloween Carnival Fun for Kids made Easy. Planning a Halloween Party? Be sure to check out @OrientalTrading for great games and prizes on a budget! #ad

If you are looking for some additional Halloween themed ideas take a peek below:

How to Make DIY Pumpkin Bowling Pins

Spook-tacular Family Fun Pumpkin Carving Party

How to Make a Halloween Wreath for Under $5


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