19 Kid Friendly Bat Recipes & Crafts for Halloween

19 Kid Friendly Bat Recipes & Crafts for Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner and if you can’t tell I am getting excited!! Today I’m sharing 19 Kid Friendly Bat Recipes & Crafts for Halloween that are sure to delight (or fright!).  Gear up for the holiday with your kids help doing some of these batty projects!

1. DIY Bat Corner Bookmarks from Easy Peasy and Fun
2. Bat Cupcakes from Spaceships and Laserbeams
3. Halloween Bat Handprint Craft from Kids Craft Room
4. Bat Sugar Cookies from Totally The Bomb
5. Flying Halloween Bats from Eat Move Make
6. No Bake Bat Dessert from Kids Activities Blog
7. Handprint Bats Halloween Craft from The Crafting Chicks
8. Bat Rice Krispie Treats from Divine Lifestyle
9. Bat Cardboard Tube Craft from Sight and Sound Reading
10. Bat Cake from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe
11. Flying Bats Window Silhouettes from The Jenny Evoluntion
12. No Bake Chocolate Bats from Craft Create Cook
13. Easy Paper Plate Bat Craft from Kids Activities Blog
14. Spooky Ice Cream Sandwich Bats from Laura’s Little House Tips
15. DIY Halloween Bat Hairbow from Totally the Bomb
16. Oreo Bat Cookie Sticks from Made to be a Momma
17. Accordion Fold Paper Bat Craft from I Heart Crafty Things
18. Bat Nutter Butters from Totally the Bomb
19. Bat Pom Pom from Red Ted Art

If you are looking for some additional Halloween inspiration take a peek at some of my favorite’s below:

How to Make DIY Pumpkin Bowling Pins

How to Make a Halloween Wreath for Under $5

Easy to Make Jack-o-Lantern Cake and Pizza

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