Celery Stalk Flower Printing

I use Pinterest as inspiration for a lot of projects.  Today's is posted on a lot of different blogs and…

Shannon A

Snow Days!

As everyone in the US has heard by now we had a major blizzard in the north east.  Up here…

Shannon A

Valentine’s Foam Hearts

In our house any project that involves stickers equals a happy kid!  I regularly stock up on stickers in after…

Shannon A

Disney Side @Home Celebration Box is here!!

***I received free products from Disney Parks and Mom Select in order to host a Disney Side @Home Celebration.  The…

Shannon A

Pantry behind Basement Door

I love my husband - lets lay that out there.  He is a great guy and puts up with me…

Shannon A

Watercolor Coffee Filter Sun Catcher Hearts for Valentine’s Day

So as we (I guess it should be just I but I figure it makes it sound better if its…

Shannon A

Valentine’s Day Disney Side @Home Celebration

So as I've been thinking about my Disney Side party, I've gotten more and more excited.  One of the criteria…

Shannon A

Disney Side Party!!

As of January 7th I have been really excited.  I signed up earlier in the month online to potentially host…

Shannon A