Recipe Sharing Pin and Yum Party 12

Recipe Sharing Pin and Yum Party 12

Just for fun, today’s party is a tiny bit different.

When you add your recipe links, they will go to the TOP!

blog hop, link party, recipes, cooking, food blogger


Our Hosts


Come visit our blogs? We’d love it if you’d follow us on social media while you’re there!




  • Add up to TWO recipe posts of your own.
  • Visit all of the others (Please bookmark this party to come back a few times for later comers.)

  • Yum every recipe and Pin every recipe!

  • If a recipe does not have a YUM button and you have not added Yum button to your toolbar, then Plan B would be for you to just Pin the recipe. 
  • Adding a button to your toolbar is easy: How to add a YUM button 
  • PLEASE TWEET AND SHARE OUR PARTY to spread the news 🙂
  • Thanks for coming to our party! 

Follow Marilyn’s Treats’s board Recipe Sharing Party on Pinterest.

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